I have a sore throat. My glands are swollen and my nose is plugged up. The bad part is that I can't take any medicine for it since I am nursing. Boy is he lucky I am so in love with him.... I know he has a pink cup. They only come in twos and one is always a boys color and a girls color. He doesn't need more than two, so when he does require more, I will get him some.
Later today we are planning on painting a small chalkboard. It is so plain and it drives me nuts as boring as it is. We will do red today and then maybe add white for a checkerboard pattern.
Since we are not feeling so well right now, we decided to make some super chocolatey chocolate Ghiradelli brownies. I can't bake bread on cold wet days, so brownies will do. Here is a picture of my main helper...
He couldn't wait to lick the bowl. Then his little brother came over and started begging for some. Then they were both battling over who got the last of the brownie batter. It was really cute.This is just the batter, but it sure does look good. The chocolate chips are flatter so they melt better. I am sure the kids will enjoy these later. Maybe with some vanilla ice cream over them while they are still warm...
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!! We should be doing at least the first half of the chalkboard makeover. I think we will also recover the footstool today. It is a plaid right now, but will soon be red with white polka dots. I have such a thing for polka dots....
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