Well, we are supposed to have some terrible weather tonight. I had to go over all the "what if's" for the kids. I hate doing that. It generally just scares them. One night here, it got so bad I had to wake all of them up and hide in our little bathroom. I think #4 was still small then, so I grabbed her out of her crib and we all huddled in the bathroom. It sounded like the roof was going to collapse.
I think wind damage will be our worst enemy tonight. Just when I was getting going on my front porch. Mr. Hunny had to pull down all our hanging plants and anything else that might break a window. Luckily, I hadn't pulled a lot out yet. We were supposed to paint tomorrow. At least one bathroom and I was hoping to get some gardening in. I guess God decided we needed to practice MORE patience. Aurgh!!
I am all "patienced" out. I mean, really. It takes forever to get a project planned out. With 5 kids, there is always the possibility of illness or some other random event that can occur at any moment. We are finally cleared of illness. Then Gabe got his bad allergies. We got that under control. Than Mr. Babyface decided to pop a few teeth through. Poor guy.
It really must hurt. The first night, I only slept 30 minutes. We got better after that, but he hasn't taken any naps lately. It is just terrible how I have to snuzzle so much with him now....;).I am just going to make sure I spend time in prayer tonight for all the families that will be dealing with this "weather event". I know my kids are scared of thunder (musta got that from their Dad...) and if it gets real loud our bed will get mighty crowded. Then there are the people in North Dakota. That is even scarier. Knowing all your possessions are about to be under water. And a horrible blizzard predicted on top of that! Wow! There is some crazy weather in the U.S. now. I know spring is always a wee bit confused, but it seems moreso this year.
I am sure we will all be fine and if there is any damage in the area I will post it tomorrow. Somedays, I think I should have been a tornado chaser. Bad weather used to be so cool. It doesn't scare me at all, for the most part. The scary part for me is that I have 5 kids to keep safe and only 2 hands. There is a great comfort in knowing that God will be with us regardless of the weather and will keep His hand of protection on us. There is such peace in knowing that... :)
March 28, 2009 at 7:30 AM
I sure hope all went well last night. We are having cold gloomy (maybe snow but I'm NOT thinking about it) weather but no severe. Surely this will be behind us soon!
March 28, 2009 at 10:30 AM
WoW, we are from CA and don't see that... But our son is in Louisiana right now and said the storms are bad... I will be glad to get him home on Tuesday!