Make-up Organizer

I know I said I would post this on the 26th of January, but we have AGAIN been dealing with sickness. Aurrgh! I am soooo ready for spring!!
I haven't had a lot of time to do a ton of stuff... yet. That is all coming.... soon!! I promise!! For right now, I am just uber happy to get this up here!! Quick! Before the kids see I am on the computer...!!!

Make-up organizers can be pricey. Too pricey if you ask me. Maybe I am just too cheap, maybe frugal is a better description.
Here is what I did:

I went out to WalMart and bought a $10 fishing tackle box. I also went over to the craft section and got some bead organizers for my earrings. It is a beautiful thing when you can actually find your accessories!! ;0)

The earrings fit nicely in the bottom drawer, along with some of the larger eye shadow compacts that I have. The rest I just divided up and...voila!! I can actually find stuff!! Yippee!! Here she is... by the way I named her Martha...:


I don't have a ton of make-up right now. At least not as much as some other people I know. One girl I know has one of those huge Craftsman tool boxes and it is totally filled. Of course, she is a make-up artist... but I still drool thinking about it. I had better watch out... Betty, my new computer, doesn't appreciate my drooling on her. I had better go before the kids realize that Mommy is distracted and I find my new china hutch (new to me off of CraigsList) "tampered" with... while no one was around it. I tell you... we definitely have a ghost around here!! Have a great weekend and I promise not to be such a huge flake this week!!

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