Wow!! I actually did it!! Actually, I did it about a week ago and haven't had any time to post, but I am finally getting it posted. Yes, I know this is a very simple thing. But it sure makes me happy!! ;0) After painting this red, my 3 year old went up to my husband and informed him that he needs to paint our coffee table red. And soon because,"I don't think it looks pretty right now!!". LOL! A girl after my own heart. Maybe she will get him motivated to do it. I just thought it was precious. Then she started telling us we need to paint everything red, "Cause I really like that color so we should paint everything red!!". I can't really disagree with her since I looove red, too!! We will see. So, I can actually accomplish things I set out to do, they just sometimes take waaaay longer than they should. That's ok. I now have a motivational speaker living with me!! ;0)

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