Weekend Work...

Boy was this weekend tiring!! Even little Michael got all tuckered out. Just before he collapsed from exhaustion (it is so tiring being adorable and good natured all the time...) he was eating. Yep, he was eating and bouncing happily in his exersaucer and singing away. Then he rubbed his eye for a brief moment, and down he went. Right next to his favorite toy. He loves to chew on that cow!! :) Right before he fell asleep, he was telling me how much he is liking the new color scheme in the bathroom. He was happy that the walls, wainscoting, doors and part of the cabinet got painted. Some area still need another coat, but boy does he like how it looks. He suggests yellow for an accent color. He said a nice sunny yellow towel would make him smile whenever he goes in there. In fact, he started demanding that his baths be taken in that bathroom instead of the other one... it is too ugly to be acceptable to him any longer. I can't disagree with him. The painting in the guest bath makes it look so much better that the master bath is just depressing now. That is OK, though. We will be working on that one in the next month or so. After our visitor has left. 

Before I sign off, I wanted to let you see how truly offensive our guest bath was, and then later I will post the after (at least most of it). We still have stuff to hang up an I haven't found those sunny yellow towels that Michael has demanded, but I will soon. Definitely this week. Try not to be to shocked, and I am sorry if it causes you to cry. I labeled it as offensive as it can cause nausea... you have been warned....

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