This year has brought about a lot of change for me and our family. The economy has been awful and we have been affected by it in a negative way.... which just stinks!! So, it is with great hope I look forward to this next year.
My main goal will be to try to keep my house a little neater, a little prettier and spend more time with my family. Sure, I would love to lose 20 pounds... or 30... ok!! I get it!! I could stand to lose more... but darn it if I don't like to cook and I tend to do that well. Maybe I should make my new years resolution to burn more food so I eat less. Hmmmm... interesting. Science experiments.... although I think I have enough of those in my fridge right now. Oooooohhhh!!! Another new years resolution!!! I must stop my ongoing study of various molds and how they grow on food. Hmm. That is just gross. TMI, I know. ;0)
Overall, my goal will be to make my home a more joyous place. More comforting. A safe place. Lately it seems to have been a busy place... and I don't dig on that too much. I want to be a more gentle person, but being of Irish decent... that becomes a war with my genetic makeup. LOL! I always loved Miss Melanie from "Gone with the Wind". The character I most admire and the one I am least like. I am soooo a Scarlett.
Anyway, I am rambling on and saying absolutely nothing. Earnest Hemmingway would look with disgust on my writing. Haha!! I can't help it if I am more like Victor Hugo!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and that you don't drink too much. Seriously, a hangover is not a good way to start the new year. I think it will be Martinelli's for me this year.
Sooooo...... HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!