I have been gone for waaaay too long. But... to be fair... everyone got sick. And then they got sick again. Then something else came through. This past Friday, my daughter Faith had a tonsillectomy and an adenoidectomy. She has had a real hard go of it, but she can breathe again. The Dr. said that her tonsils were the size of golf balls and they were also infected, so I know she will be feeling much better. These next 2 weeks might be a little difficult for her though.
One thing I got done while I was sick, and before my husband got sick, was to re-stage the mantel. I have always had a very hard time making my mantel look nice. I am very good at grabbing a bunch of stuff and throwing it up there and pretending it looks good. Well, it usually doesn't. But I think it looks much better now. Please give me your honest opinions... because I know I can always use ideas and guidance. I seem to have a mental block when it comes to the mantel. I am also having issues with the mantel as far as pictures go. It absorbs all the light when I try to photograph it and looks so dark. It really isn't that dark, but the rocks!! It's the rocks!! Augh!! That is ok, because I love the rocks. Really, they are why we bought this house. We bought it for the stone fireplace. And I am so excited that it is almost cold enough to light a fire. I might even fudge on that a little bit. I am really dreaming of hot chocolate and a roaring fire.
The weather today would work really well with my fireplace dreams. It is cold and rainy. Before Christmas, we are going to add some trim and moulding to make it look nicer. Oh my!! I have my 5 year old and my 3 year old bring in a whole bunch of clothes down the hall. Apparently they are packing to go to Pearl Harbor. Methinks we have watched too many WW2 movies lately... let me know what you think... and show me your beautiful mantels!! Sharing ideas is one of the best parts of blogging!! And I will go figure out how to take pictures of my fireplace without it looking like a dungeon.....
October 12, 2009 at 2:39 PM
Love your rooster...nice mantel...glad everyone is on the mend...can't wait to hear more about your family...
October 19, 2009 at 7:20 PM
I'm glad everyone is feeling better and I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery!
I had to enlarge the mantel photo to see what you had on there as it's a dark photo. I like what you did. I always like things to be symmetrical and I like things to be at different levels. You might try putting something under the apothecary jar. Love the big white platter!
October 23, 2009 at 2:17 PM
Hope everyone is feeling lots better now! Your mantel looks really nice.
Have a great weekend.
October 29, 2009 at 5:03 PM
your mantle is lovely! I know how the sick in the house thing goes...it seems to take it's time...and then starts all over!
October 29, 2009 at 9:32 PM
I think your mantle looks great! However, you might want to try making your photos a bit lighter by adjusting the exposure in photo editing. If you go over to picnik.com, they have excellent, FREE online photo editing software. Try it, it's great!
Best of luck in my giveaway!
November 2, 2009 at 7:16 AM
Oh Kelly! I am so sorry you have all been so sick :( Isnt it terrible when all five kids are sick and you?? I know how it is and I wouldnt wish it on anyone. I am so glad your daughter is feeling better, poor baby! That is a lot to go through!
Your mantle looks beautiful! I just love the apothecary jar :) I am such a sucker for those!!
Hope everyone stays healthy for a looonggg time now!!
Glad to see you today :)
December 9, 2009 at 1:22 PM
Hope all is well with you...been wondering about you.