Every time I say that, I feel like playing disco music. And maybe dancing like John Travolta. I don't think it's that weird.... do you???
We are all still alive. Mr. Hunny and I got it the worst, and for that I am glad. We can suck it up a lot better than the kids can. I still have an intense cough and sore throat, but I finally got some energy back. You know how it is. You are scared to use the bathroom because every one has been so sick, including you, and you just don't have the energy to clean it. I finally got both bathrooms and the kitchen scrubbed and sanitized yesterday. I am not sure I would have been able to had I not had some good dance music to listen on my iPOD. Turn it up and pretty soon I am the only one here. I am sure my kids all think I am crazy singing Lady Gaga as loud as I was, but they won't complain. I made a real dinner and you are no longer scared to sit in the bathroom. All good things.
Monday Faith goes on her very first field trip. Gabe goes on Tuesday (not his first). Jacob will get to go in October. I can't even begin to describe the excitement for that boy. A bus ride to a pumpkin patch. Surely he must be going to heaven. ;0)
I actually managed moving some furniture around while I was sick. Actually, I managed and my husband moved it. Don't worry, he wasn't sick yet. But he was the next day, so it all worked out. I even managed to take pictures. I have planned for 4 days to post it, but have been trying to get things cleaned up. Kind of a priority when we had... dare I say it.... the SWINE FLU!! Aaaahhhh!!! But, we all lived and now there is one less ailment to worry about. Yeah. With 5 kids, a single cold can last months. Seriously. We haven't been to church in about 2 or 2.5 months. Boy do I miss it. So do the kids, but I can't take them when they are sick just because I want to go. Really. I wanted to, but couldn't be that thoughtless to everyone else there. Plus, they know where we live. Not such a good thing... ;)
So, hopefully I will get the post tomorrow. Although the next 2 weeks we have about 13 appointments. The first time I have needed an organizer. Fun stuff. I don't like being busy. Not like that anyway.
I hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope you can avoid the swine flu. Very much so not fun. Can't say it enough...
September 28, 2009 at 7:31 AM
I'm glad everyone is feeling better. You're right... you got through it and now it's one less thing to worry about!
September 28, 2009 at 12:02 PM
Hope the flu leaves your house soon and everything gets back to normal...or close to normal....
September 30, 2009 at 12:32 PM
I'm glad that you are doing better!
October 2, 2009 at 6:56 AM
Hope things are back to normal for you soon. I know, even with 2 kids, how long it takes to get back on track when we've been sick...I can only imagine how hard it is with 5! Hang in there!
Have a good day.