I wasn't sure what to title today's post. So I asked my daughter, Chloe, what to call it. She said:"polka dots". So I went with it.
I love polka dots. It may make me seem like I am 12 forever, and I am totally ok with that. I promise not to be an old woman trying to wear a mini-skirt... but I will be that old woman wearing polka dots. They just make me smile. :)
Our footstool was originally pink. I have no problem with pink, but it was old and dirty. No matter how much I cleaned it, it wouldn't perk up. So we covered it. The cheap, easy way. With a yard of discount fabric and staples. You can get really nice fabric in the discount bin, especially when you don't need much. I only needed a yard, so everything was good.
We have had it covered with the stars and stripes for the 4th, red and green plaid for Christmas... brown pattered for Thanksgiving... fall leaves.... you name it! Well, I finally gave in to my polka dot fever. I asked my Hunny to recover the footstool in red and white polka dots and he did!! He is so much better at stuff like that than I am!! I think it looks so fun now. I am just not sure what color to paint the legs now.... note the large and lovely display of discarded shoes. I have a rather lovely collection of them. They just seem to pop up everywhere!! I think they add that little extra oomph to the picture... don't you think??
So, what color should I paint the legs? I was thinking white, but am afraid it might be too summery. Black is another option... but then so is red. I am so schizophrenic when it comes to paint. I am still trying to paint my kitchen cabinets. Layla from the Lettered Cottage has black cabinets which I just love. Kim at One Woman's Cottage Life has beautiful red cabinets. I want them both, darn it!! Maybe I will post a picture of my awful looking kitchen and everyone can help me decide. My kitchen has a great layout, but it is ugly right now. Once I paint it will be so much better. I tried to use a tropical foliage green, but it didn't work like I had in my head. Thankfully it was only paint. :) Now I just am totally immobilized with indecision! Aurgh!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!!
April 7, 2009 at 8:21 AM
I love polka dots too...they are just so "fun"! About the legs, I'm not sure. I guess it depends on the other furniture in the room that you use it OR if you just look at it as a piece of furniture on its own (sounded good huh?, LOL) I would do the white maybe? Good Luck and don't listen to me, LOL, I'm very indecisive, if you can't tell!!
April 7, 2009 at 8:26 AM
I love polka dots too and checkered gigham prints especially the baby gigham. I think the legs look good like they are from the picture they look like they have a red tint to them. Good Luck
April 7, 2009 at 11:37 AM
Thank you for the birthday wish.. and I love your 3 column background!
April 7, 2009 at 12:25 PM
It is so pretty! I love Red and you can't go wrong with sweet polka dots. :)
April 7, 2009 at 5:49 PM
Glad to know there are other polka dot lovers out there! ;)
April 9, 2009 at 9:47 PM
My first visit. Those are ANGELS and I hope they enjoy the salad! Go crazy--paint 'em yellow!
April 14, 2009 at 2:51 PM
Wow, so glad to meet other polka dot loving folks! Your footstool is so cute and so is that big polka dot background on your blog. I don't think one can ever have too many polka dots!
Thanks for your visit and comment! Looking forward to getting to know you!